Transit Fiber Maintenance Notice for 07-29-2017 and 08-05-2017

Transit provider Fiber Maintenance on 07-29-2017 and 08-05-2017.

----- 07-29-2017 -----

Fiber Maintenance: (Puyallup, WA) Carrier maintenance to relocate a cable.

Work Window: 7AM PDT (14:00 GMT) to 8PM PDT (03:00 GMT)

Estimated Downtime: Up to 2 hours

----- 08-05-2017 -----

Carrier maintenance to relocate a cable along railroad right of way.

Work Window: 7AM PDT (14:00 GMT) to 11PM PDT (06:00 GMT)

Estimated Downtime: Up to 3 hours [Read Article]

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